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AspenTech is FIPI Digital Technology Provider of the Year

Global software leader is recognized in consecutive years for innovation in sustainability technology.


Using Van Gogh's Approach to Unlock Project Value

What the famous Dutchman can teach us about acting quickly, with an eye towards a bigger picture


Digital Transformation in the Golden Age of Mining Technology: The Great Skills Evolution

In this final segment of a three-part series exclusive to North American Mining, Marc Poualion, senior industry marketing manager at AspenTech, discusses the digital transformation and adaptions needed by mining's workforce and what's upcoming during this unprecedented time.


Effective Demultiples and Depth Migration Enhance Basalt and Sub-Basalt Features

Sub-basalt seismic imaging in the Deccan traps, along the northwest coast of India, is very challenging, due to the morphology of the traps.


AspenTech Awarded "Digital Technology Provider of the Year" by FIPI

Company recognized in consecutive years for innovation in sustainability technology

News Article

Building plant resilience with the digital twin

Manufacturing Chemist reports clear and sound advice on immediately impactful digital initiatives from AspenTech’s chemicals expert Dr. Paige Morse.


AspenTech is a Proud Sponsor of the Second Annual AWS Energy Symposium

The symposium focused on how the energy systems of the future will enable organizations to optimize their businesses and accelerate innovation through new, data-driven solutions—based on AWS technologies and supported by next-gen connectivity solutions.

On-Demand Webinar

How a Major Refinery Improves Reactor Operations with Molecule-based Simulation

Reactor operations have a huge impact on product yield and quality, as well as on energy consumption. Getting accurate insights into operations can significantly improve the profitability and sustainability of a refinery.

White Paper

AspenTech Inmation™ Total Value of Ownership Analysis

The AspenTech Inmation digital ecosystem, operational technology (OT) expertise and integrated software platform enables real-time information management across operations, process control and IT systems. The platform further enables customers to realize a measurable return on their digital transformation efforts.

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