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LIVE FROM ADIPEC: The Energy Industry Stakes Out Pathways to Affordable Green Energy

ADIPEC 2021 finds the energy industry ready to define their own proactive path towards achieving sustainability goals. AspenTech energy expert Ron Beck shares his takeaways here.

News Article

Will digital twins save us from climate change?

VentureBeat - Will Digital Twins Save Us From Climate Change


AspenTech's Agents of Change

Mining Magazine caught up with Jeannette McGill, Vice President and General Manager, Metals & Mining, Aspen Technology, to discuss the growth of asset performance management in mining and the results of Evolution Mining’s deployment of AspenTech’s prescriptive maintenance solution.

News Article

How software can help clean up emission-intensive industries

Feature article timed with COP26


Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout™ Demo

AspenTech acquired OptiPlant 3D in December 2020. Since then, Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout has proven to be an essential element of our Concurrent FEED solution and has enabled our customers to get an early, accurate 3D visualization into their designs. The ease of connectivity with the Aspen Capital Cost Estimator™ (ACCE) has further enhanced the alignment and collaboration for our customers by enabling faster data transfer internally as well as with external stakeholders. Learn how to interactively and rapidly develop a 3D model from scratch in Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout and effortlessly export the data from OptiPlant to ACCE.

News Article

Challenges and Opportunities of Achieving Sustainable Operations

Thought leadership article by Antonio Pietri in a COP26 special edition



本报告由普林斯顿大学名誉教授罗伯特·索科洛(Robert Socolow)共同撰写,阐述了最近一项调查的结果,该调查旨在更好地了解行业领导者在规划可持续未来时所采取的战略和行动。


Sustainability, Decarbonization and Industry Initiatives: Survey Findings and Analysis

This report, which was co-written with Robert Socolow, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University, addresses the findings of a recent survey conducted to better understand the strategies and actions taken by industry leaders as they plan for a sustainable future.

Press Release

AspenTech Accelerates Customers’ Digitalization Journey to Advance Sustainability Goals and Drive Operational Excellence

AspenTech Accelerates Customers Digitalization Journey to Advance Sustainability Goals

Interactive Infographic

Keep Up With Growing Demand with Aspen Production Execution Manager™

Accelerate time-to-market by executing work orders faster, accurately and consistently with Aspen Production Execution Manager™

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