Chemicals' Challenges on the Way to a Circular Economy
Solutions that address the challenge of the circular economy exact particular demands for the chemical industry. Products and processes must be redesigned to cut emissions and waste and extend material use systems.
Navigating Europe's Energy Transition
Recently, we hosted an executive conversation in Europe on digital strategies to navigate today’s energy transition. Hear what companies like MOL Group had to say on this subject.
White Paper
Kickstarting Your Predictive Maintenance Journey with Existing Data and Resources
This white paper considers the challenges power generation operators face today and the forces that are driving demand for more proactive maintenance strategies. Gain insight into predictive
maintenance that is being used to create a more comprehensive, correlated, efficient and effective environment for the collection, management,analysis and presentation of data. Discover the critical differences that make predictive maintenance a much more efficient and effective alternative to planned and condition based maintenance methodologies.
Key Considerations for Deploying MES in the Cloud
Cloud computing offers many advantages and is often viewed as a panacea by corporate IT groups, but is it an appropriate platform for running your mission-critical manufacturing execution system?
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