White Paper
Seven Keys to Bringing Agility, Resilience and Recovery to Today’s Refineries
The energy industry has been hit hard by current global economic interruptions: rapid drops in demand, a changing mix of preferred products, plummeting crude prices, difficulty staffing essential production sites and fragile supply lines. Energy companies are re-examining their digital capabilities and increasing their focus on digitalization as an essential strategy.
On-Demand Webinar
La toma de decisiones difíciles de CAPEX y OPEX en tiempos de incertidumbre
¿Como utiliza la tecnología para tomar decisiones de proyectos CAPEX y OPEX en el mercado volátil actual? Muchos líderes de la industria están aprovechando la digitalización en su planificación de escenarios para responder a condiciones que cambian rápidamente minimizando el impacto en los negocios.
On-Demand Webinar
Making Difficult CAPEX and OPEX Decisions in Uncertain Times
How are you using technology to make CAPEX and OPEX tradeoff decisions in the current volatile market? Many industry leaders are leveraging digitalization in their scenario planning to respond to fast changing conditions while minimizing the impact on business.
On-Demand Webinar
Making Difficult CAPEX and OPEX Decisions in Uncertain Times
How are you using technology to make CAPEX and OPEX tradeoff decisions in the current volatile market? Many industry leaders are leveraging digitalization in their scenario planning to respond to fast changing conditions while minimizing the impact on business.
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