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Case Study

Multivariate Statistical Analysis Finds Cause of Quench Oil High-Viscosity Issue

One of the world's largest chemical, plastic and refining companies used Aspen ProMV to understand and resolve production problems caused by an ongoing quench oil high-viscosity issue. In this case study, learn how Aspen ProMV enabled the company to highlight the top process variables highly correlated with viscosity issues, and quickly guided process engineers to the underlying issue to limit losses.

Case Study

Análisis estadístico multivariable encuentra la causa de un problema de alta viscosidad en el aceite de enfriamiento

Una de las empresas más grandes a nivel mundial para productos químicos, plásticos y de refinación utilizó Aspen ProMV para entender y resolver sus problemas de producción causado por un problema de alta viscosidad en el aceite de enfriamiento. En este caso de estudio conozca cómo Aspen ProMV permitió a la empresa a destacar las principales variables de proceso que están altamente correlacionadas con problemas de viscosidad y que guio rápidamente a los ingenieros de proceso al problema subyacente para limitar las pérdidas.


Troubleshooting Acid Gas Column Convergence – Part 2

The second blog in a series describing how to use Aspen HYSYS® to troubleshoot acid gas columns.

Case Study

Ahorre costos con mantenimiento predictivo durante la transformación digital

Lea cómo Aspen Mtell predijo una falla en el compresor con 35 días de anticipación, permitiendo que la empresa de energía evitara una parada de emergencia y cumpliera con las metas de producción. Minimizó las pérdidas de producción planificando la parada de la planta: ahorro potencial de 30 millones de dólares


Cognitive Guidance as Your Co-Pilot

AI and machine learning can deliver great value to the process industries—if readily available and properly rolled out to the workforce.

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2019

Aspen Technology Announces Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2019


AspenTech is "All In" on Women's Leadership

The Women's Leadership Forum hosted a panel discussion at this year's global sales kick off. Participants shared the soft skills that have helped them succeed.


Edge Computing or an Intelligent Edge?

See what defines an intelligent edge and why it's more than just edge computing.

Press Release

Aspen Technology to Present at the Canaccord Growth Conference

Aspen Technology to Present at the Canaccord Growth Conference

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces Date of Fourth-Quarter Fiscal 2019 Financial Results Release, Conference Call and Webcast

Aspen Technology Announces Date of Fourth-Quarter Fiscal 2019 Financial Results Release

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