Column Analysis in Aspen Plus V9
Column Analysis in Aspen Plus allows you to view the whole column, identify any hydraulic issues, understand the operating range, and communicate your findings. See the impact of modifications in packing and trays, and cost as you make changes.
Enabling Outstanding Customer Service: Breaking Your Spreadsheet Habit
Providing outstanding customer service is now a significant competitive differentiator, but how well is your company doing? High on-time order fulfillment rates is the key metric that batch producers strive for, but significant challenges exist. Learn why spreadsheets are holding you back and how Aspen Plant Scheduler can help you with its flexible, fast, and intuitive visualization capabilities.
Activated EDR in Aspen HYSYS
Learn how to save on energy, CAPEX and OPEX by improving the fidelity of your process simulation flowsheets using rigorous heat exchanger models. Now it is easier than ever to generate rigorous heat exchanger models from Aspen HYSYS using the Activated Exchanger Design & Rating capability.
Achieving Capital Project Efficiency
With rising capital cost overruns and more projects falling behind schedule, EPCs need an estimating system that enables them to bid on projects precisely and efficiently. Hear Ron Beck, Director of Industry Marketing at AspenTech, describe the unique benefits of Aspen Capital Cost Estimator compared to traditional estimating approaches.
Estimating the Entire Lifecycle
This compelling interview with Technip and two other customers, provides a strong testimonial about has Aspen Economics improves work processes and business results, from process engineering to conceptual estimating to detailed estimating.
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