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Exporting Data from Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout to Intergraph Smart 3D

Project execution becomes faster and more reliable through automatic flow of data across the lifecycle. Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout benefits project execution by automating the hand off of conceptual layout results to detailed design tools such as Hexagon’s S3D. Equipment, structures and piping lines modeled in OptiPlant are exported as native S3D objects, allowing you to continue updating and improving the layout.

News Article

Right-size your predictive maintenance strategies

Five case studies show that anyone can benefit from this proven strategy, from targeted tools to complete solutions.

News Article

A look back on 20 years of pharma manufacturing

Pharma Manufacturing A look back on 20 years of pharma manufacturing

News Article

The Nation Thailand - Electrification and the path to net-zero

The Nation Thailand - Electrification and the path to net-zero

On-Demand Webinar

APC and Optimization on Utilities Networks

Oil & gas, petrochemical and chemical companies face the dual challenge of maximizing profitability while achieving aggressive decarbonization objectives for 2030 and beyond.

On-Demand Webinar

Digital Solutions for Advancing Circular Economy through Biorefining

As the chemical industry moves to renewable feedstocks as part of a circular economy, the design of biorefineries remains a challenge. The processes to recover streams and create high-value products are inefficient and wasteful. That’s where today’s process simulation software helps, as proven by the consortium BioSPRINT, which used Aspen Plus® to improve the purification and conversion of hemicellulose streams to produce an alternative to fossil-based polymers.

Case Study

OCP Ecuador usa manutenção prescritiva para identificar falhas de ativos e reduzir custos de manutenção

A OCP Ecuador é uma empresa midstream de óleo e gás que transporta, armazena e embarca óleo cru. Com ativos instalados em locais remotos ao longo de seu oleoduto de 485 quilômetros, a empresa precisava de uma solução de manutenção que permitisse prever e prevenir falhas de equipamentos antes que elas ocorressem. Com a manutenção prescritiva Aspen Mtell®, a empresa agora pode monitorar continuamente seus ativos críticos quanto a falhas iminentes, usando dados mecânicos e de processo.

Case Study

Repsol Leverages Control Tower Solution to Manage Its Integrated Business Value Chain

Achieves ROI over 10x with a Payback Period of < 6 months with AspenTech and Microsoft Technology

On-Demand Webinar

The New Asset Maintenance & Reliability Solution from AWS and AspenTech

This webinar explains how to predict when equipment needs maintenance with a fully automated solution that includes Aspen Mtell® and the AWS Cloud

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