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How Advanced Data Historians Help Keep Up with a Changing Grid

The clean energy transition currently reshaping the electric power utility system requires intelligent management of unprecedented amounts of new and changing grid asset data.

For the past century, the grid consisted primarily of large fossil fuel power plants generating power that was sent in one direction to the homes and businesses that consumed them.

That hub-and-spoke model has been remarkably resilient, but with the emergence of new technologies and the imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, electric grid dynamics are rapidly changing. The growth of renewables and Distributed Energy Resources (DER)—coupled with significant load growth and new load patterns—is posing unprecedented operational challenges to grid operators.

Read this paper to learn the:

  • Crucial role of data historians in achieving utility objectives
  • Challenges facing data historians
  • Way modern data historians keep up with a changing grid

How Advanced Data Historians Help Keep Up with a Changing Grid

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