Case Study

Control Column Performance Using Aspen HYSYS®

Learn how Tupras used the column analysis capability in Aspen HYSYS and its integration with Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating to significantly increase the column capacity and meet the required product specifications.

Case Study

UK Refinery Increases Middle Distillate Production with Aspen GDOT™

Download this case study to learn how a refinery in the UK used Aspen GDOT to increase middle distillate production by 10%. The closed loop optimization technology, adjusts multiple process units in real-time to maintain product consistency and improve overall refinery performance. Discover how you can drive more profitable operations with Aspen GDOT.

Case Study

Controle el desempeño de columnas con un Digital Twin de planta usando Aspen HYSYS®

Conozca cómo Tupras utilizó el análisis de columnas en Aspen HYSYS en conjunto con Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating para incrementar en un 40% la capacidad de columna y al mismo tiempo cumplir con las especificaciones de calidad del producto.


Aspen ProMV Brochure

Aspen ProMV helps you find the real underlying sources of variation in production processes. Learn how companies such as FMC Corporation and Mitsubishi Chemicals are using this software to stabilize quality, yield and productivity.

Case Study

ダイセルがAspen Polymers™で実験回数を削減 し、イノベーションを加速


Case Study

US Railway Saves Millions by Preventing Line of Road Failures

A major transportation company responsible for delivering customer goods on time, safely and reliably, was plagued by catastrophic failures of locomotives that had gone undetected by its current reliability techniques. Using Aspen Mtell to examine data from engine lube oil samples, a leading U.S. railway was able to save millions of dollars.


Aspen Fleet Optimizer (AFO) Brochure

Aspen Fleet Optimizer is an enterprise-wide solution for inventory management and truck transportation optimization.

Case Study

ダイセルがAspen Polymers™で実験回数を削減 し、イノベーションを加速


Case Study

Westlake Chemical Improves Reaction Time from Hours to Minutes

Learn how Westlake assesses time sensitive supply chain opportunities, such as accepting a modified customer order, in a matter of minutes using Aspen Plant Scheduler rather than four hours using previous spreadsheet methods.


Aspen GDOT™ 供精炼厂使用

使用Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology(GDOT)缩小计划与实际操作之间的差距。艾斯本 GDOT™ 通过实时动态优化和协调多个工艺装置来协调计划和调度目标,以确保现场范围内的最佳经济效果,一致且以分钟为单位。下载本手册,了解公司如何提高吞吐量,提高产量等。

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