On-Demand Webinar

Learn from an Expert: Estimating Best Practices to Improve Accuracy, Speed and Consistency

Delivering accurate and consistent estimates, on time, contributes to an Engineering and Construction firm’s profitability. Brett Perroux, Estimating Section Lead/Systems Estimator from Jacobs Engineering, will discuss best practices such as calibration that will improve your ability to make sharp and consistent estimates. Brett’s insights will help produce better quality estimates by recognizing risks earlier in the process, allowing for better decisions and producing more efficient workflows

On-Demand Webinar

Improve Your Process Engineering Business Processes in Lean Times

See how AspenTech can help you achieve better project execution and collaboration with improved work flows and integration. Webinar presented by Vikas Dhole, John Wylie and Ron Beck.

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Learn How to Develop a High-Fidelity Digital Twin of Your Hydrocracker Unit

Right when most refineries are preparing to meet the new IMO regulations on sulfur emissions, AspenTech launched the molecule-based hydrocracker simulation model in Aspen HYSYS® V11. This model computes reaction kinetics at the molecular level, significantly enhancing prediction accuracy. View this webinar and learn from our experts how you can use this hydrocracker reactor model to gain enhanced accuracy in predicting product yields and properties, insights into product properties such as amount of sulfur species and much more! Discover how you can leverage this latest technological innovation to make better operational decisions.

On-Demand Webinar

Aspen Custom Modelerの活用事例紹介

Aspen Custom Modelerは、特殊な反応器、膜やフィルムのプロセス、バイオプロセスなど、Aspen PlusやHYSYSの標準モデルで表すのが困難な場合に利用されています。このセッションでは、Aspen Custom Modelerの概要と活用事例について紹介いたします。

On-Demand Webinar

The Connected Plant: Transforming Data into Value

Possessing the data is one thing; however, understanding your data and its value is something different. Join ARC Advisory Group and AspenTech for a webinar to learn how to leverage your data using transformational technologies to drive operational excellence with manufacturing execution systems (MES). Janice Abel of ARC will lead an interactive discussion around key technology trends, benefits and innovations and what’s important in the process industries.

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar - Taming the Lion: Improving Plant Operations through Inferential Modeling featuring Dow Chemical

Widely used in various chemical manufacturing processes, inferential property models enable improved control by providing estimated properties in real-time. During this webinar, one of Dow Chemical’s APC engineers will discuss the practical application of inferential models as feed forwards in Aspen DMCplus® to manage the inventory of a reactor where the composition and flows into the recycle feed change over time.

On-Demand Webinar


プロセス産業においてもデジタルツインの活用に取り組む企業が増えています。デジタルツイン構築のためには、現実プラントでの変化をリアルタイムで精度よくシミュレーションできることが重要になります。このセッションでは、現実プラントとシミュレーションの挙動をリアルタイムで一致させるためにAspen PlusのEO (Equation-oriented)モデリングがどのように役立つのかをご紹介いたします。

On-Demand Webinar


本セッションではAspen Plus®の蒸留塔モデルであるRadfracの速度論型モデルについて紹介致します。速度論型モデルRate-basedは蒸留塔のトレイ・充填物の構造情報から物質・熱移動を計算します。平衡段モデルでは計算が困難なガス吸収の系や段効率の予測に用いることができます。厳密な塔モデルを構築することで、プラントの運転条件の決定、環境コンプライアンスを遵守した設備設計を行うことができます。

On-Demand Webinar

Aspen Capital Cost Estimator™ (ACCE):より迅速かつ正確、そして一貫性のあるコスト積算の実現に向けたキャリブレーション方法のご紹介

本セッションでは、ACCEにおけるコストパラメータのキャリブレーション方法について紹介します。ACCEを使用することにより、最新のコストデータ、設備のコストカーブ、標準P&IDに基づき、確度の高い見積りを迅速に簡単に得ることが可能となり、意思決定までのリードタイムの短縮化が可能となります。 また、ACCEのデフォルトのパラメータを調整(キャリブレーション)することにより、プロジェクト固有の条件を反映したコスト調整を行える他、コスト積算業務の作業負荷及び時間を50%削減することができます。

On-Demand Webinar

APAC 웨비나 (한국어) - 디지털 트윈을 위한 EO (Equation-Oriented) 모델링

현재 많은 기업들이 디지털 트윈을 활용하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 공정 산업에서 디지털 트윈을 구축하려면 실제 플랜트 운전 상황의 변화를 실시간으로 정확하게 시뮬레이션 할 수 있어야 합니다. 이번 웨비나는 Aspen Plus의 EO (Equation-Oriented) 모델링이 플랜트의 운전과 시뮬레이션을 실시간으로 일치시키는 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

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