With ever-changing operating conditions—including different feedstock—today’s process plants are challenged to meet growth and sustainability targets as many critical KPIs cannot be measured on a...
Refineries are always looking to reduce their energy use and carbon footprint. Here is a unique opportunity to learn how a major refinery in Asia drastically reduced steam consumption by deploying a...
The upstream oil and gas sector has faced a variety of challenges such as unpredictable oil prices, changing patterns of demand and ensuring safe working conditions at remote sites. Accelerated...
Fouling of heat exchangers causes excessive energy consumption, large pressure loss and sometimes process outages. Inability to directly measure fouling levels for operating units compounds the...
Digital technologies and Industrial AI are critical capabilities that separate market leaders from niche players. Learn how digitalization can play a crucial role in the sustainability of chemical...
Distillation columns are troublesome units, representing one of the biggest operational challenges in the processing industry — primarily because internal conditions are dynamic and there is limited...
Solving operational problems and making decisions requires experience and sound engineering know-how. While traditional rules-of-thumb and heuristic approaches can help, steps for improving operations...