Sitecore Version 10.4 - Refreshed
On-Demand Webinar

How Pan American Energy Captured Value Using AI for Early Fault Detection

Refining and petrochemicals producers face increased pressure to maximize margins while improving safety and sustainability. In this on-demand webinar, learn how Pan American Energy implemented a predictive maintenance solution powered by artificial intelligence to predict critical equipment failures – giving time back to production and reducing operational risk.


Rompa la barrera de lo que es posible con Aspen Hybrid Models

El lanzamiento de Aspen Hybrid Models dentro de la nueva versión de software V12 da un paso adelante para las industrias de Oil & Gas, midstream, downstream, petroquímicos y químicos especializados.

Case Study

Energy Company Drives Innovation in Predictive Maintenance via Digital Transformation Program

When developing its highly successful digital transformation program, a leading European energy company turned to Aspen Mtell® for predictive maintenance. After deploying Aspen Mtell on more than 50 large assets in a refinery, the company began testing the technology at a wind farm and had five early successes in predicting gear box failures.


The Risk-Reduction Opportunity: Savings & Safety Through Predictive Maintenance

In production environments, changing conditions means increased risk. Operating companies have been shouldering more of this risk in recent years as insurance coverage becomes less readily available.

Executive Brief



Executive Brief

A Manutenção Preditiva enfrenta o Risco Operacional

No mercado global volátil, incerto, complexo e ambíguo (VUCA) de hoje, tudo está mudando - e em ambientes de produção, mudança significa risco aumentado. Como as organizações de capital intensivo podem minimizar seus riscos, especialmente quando a cobertura do seguro está menos prontamente disponível?

Executive Brief

El mantenimiento predictivo se enfrenta a los riesgos de operación

En el mercado global actual, volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo (VUCA por sus siglas en inglés), todo está cambiando, y en los entornos de producción, el cambio significa un mayor riesgo. ¿Cómo pueden las organizaciones intensivas en capital minimizar su riesgo, especialmente cuando la cobertura de seguro está disponible fácilmente?

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces the Acquisition of Camo Analytics AS

Aspen Technology Announces the Acquisition of Camo Analytics AS


Thinking Outside Your Industry: Miners on the Move

Challenging the status quo is at the forefront of innovation and advancement to your business. Explore ways organizations have looked outside their industries to take advantage of proven technology to boost their business.


Take the Shackles Off – Think Big

Automated data science systems aimed at the broad engineering base of qualified users create an opportunity to prepare data and develop models faster.

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