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On-Demand Webinar

Modelos Híbridos en la Industria Química: IA Industrial para Superar los Retos Operacionales

Aspen Hybrid Models ™, una innovación revolucionaria, ayuda a las empresas químicas a desarrollar rápidamente modelos completos y precisos para abordar los retos operacionales más complejos. Con el lanzamiento de aspenONE® V12, los modelos híbridos de Aspen aprovechan el poder de la IA sin que los ingenieros requieran experiencia en ciencia de datos o machine learning, lo que democratiza realmente la aplicación de la IA industrial.

On-Demand Webinar

Modelos Híbridos na indústria Química: Potencializando o Uso de IA para Vencer Desafios Operacionais.

Aspen Hybrid Models ™, uma inovação revolucionária, ajuda as empresas químicas a desenvolver rapidamente modelos completos e precisos para lidar com os desafios operacionais mais complexos. Com o lançamento do aspenONE® V12, o Aspen Hybrid Models potencializa o poder da inteligência artificial (IA) sem exigir que os engenheiros precisem de experiência em ciência de dados ou machine learning, democratizando verdadeiramente a aplicação de IA industrial.

Executive Brief

Sustainability Takes Center Stage

Sustainability is no longer an option—it’s an imperative. Awareness and alarm about the impact of human activity on the environment has begun to shift buying and investment behavior around the world. Increasing energy use, resource depletion and waste generation are creating an urgency to rethink current consumer and business practices, and specifically to address priorities related to sustainability.

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces Selected Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2021

Aspen Technology Announces Selected Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2021


Eliminating Equipment Downtime and Driving Process Improvements

Imagine a scenario where everyone involved in a process agrees on the best course of action based on facts vs. assumptions. Unlock the benefits of multivariate analytics with AspenTech APM solutions.

On Demand Webinar

The Quantified Safety and Business Impact of Predictive Maintenance in Mining

In today’s volatile environment, mines need to quickly detect and respond to maintenance issues. But what defines an effective predictive maintenance solution and how do you justify the investment?


Driving Safety, Environmental and Breakdown Incidents to 0, 0, 0

Implementing AI-based APM solutions addresses unexpected breakdowns before they happen, resulting in improvements in safety and environmental performance, minimized losses and improved productivity.


A New Generation of Asset Performance Management Solutions

A new generation of APM solutions delivers value that’s visible well beyond the maintenance department.

On-Demand Webinar

中国网络研讨会: 利用动态优化减少利润损失,最大限度提升高价值产品的收率

目前,炼油厂和石化厂都在积极寻求减少生产计划、调度和实际操作等环节间利润漏损的方法。AspenTech®的动态优化技术Aspen GDOT™,加之其一流的统一生产优化环境Aspen Unified™,能基于不断变化的经济状况调整工厂运营,从而实时优化生产。

On-Demand Webinar

Dr. Distillation Returns! Learn How to Optimize Your Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU)

Another opportunity to learn from “Dr. Distillation” how refineries can better operate their VDUs, a challenging and critical unit for most plants. With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Prakash Karpe (retired from U.S. refiner Phillips 66) has perfected the skill of leveraging advanced process simulation technology to implement practical improvements to refinery operation — saving millions of dollars. Dr. Karpe will share best practices on improving VDU operations with Aspen HYSYS®.

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