Aspen Unified™, The Next Generation of Planning and Scheduling
View this video to learn how Aspen Unified brings planning and scheduling together in one environment to improve decision making for increased margins. Discover how you can automate routine tasks, such as reconciling with actual plant data, visualizing results, creating case sets and building the first feasible schedule – saving hundreds of man hours per year.
Reformer Model-Based Inferential Properties Embedded in APC
A major European refiner implemented Aspen Technology’s reformer inferred property package for control and optimization of their catalytic reformer in two of its refineries. Download this article to learn more about the company's methodology of execution and the benefits derived.
Introduction to Aspen Event Analytics™
Each hour spent tracking down information related to production events is an hour taken away from making improvements to your business. In this video, watch how Aspen Event Analytics™ enables operators and front line process and production engineers to quickly and easily analyze the causes behind production events.
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