Sitecore Version 10.4 - Refreshed

规范性维护软件帮助Saras 提升经营绩效并推动卓越运营

Saras拥有地中海最复杂的炼油厂,每天的炼油产能为30万桶。作为数字化项目的一部分,他们正在评估如何提高资本和资产密集型炼油厂运营的可靠性。他们选择了AspenMtell,基于一个竞争性试点项目选择过程,最初的重点集中在关键炼油设备上,比如大型压缩机和水泵。 Aspen Mtell通过挖掘历史和实时操作以及维护数据来发现资产性能下降和故障发生之前的精确特征,预测未来故障并制定详细的行动以缓解或解决问题。

规范性维护软件帮助Saras 提升经营绩效并推动卓越运营

Why we collect this data

AspenTech is collecting and may process your personal data for a variety of reasons related to our business and our ability to deliver the best possible products, customer support service and overall user experience. Accordingly, we may use your personal data to administer research surveys, to accurately deliver contracted services, to register you for events, to understand your preferences and to detect and prevent any fraudulent or unauthorized activities. Please refer to AspenTech’s Privacy and Security Policy, which is available here, for more information regarding our collection and processing of your personal data.

规范性维护软件帮助Saras 提升经营绩效并推动卓越运营

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