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壳牌利用Aspen PIMS-AO云部署加速计划业务并提高利润

壳牌的制造业利润优化团队使用AspenTech解决方案优化其能源和石化业务,包括规划和调度应用程序。 在与AspenTech高度合作的全球项目中,壳牌成功地在云上部署了Aspen PIMS-AO,从而提高了利润率,改善了工作与生活的平衡,降低了IT成本。阅读本案例研究,了解如何在云中使用Aspen PIMS-AO提高利润率。

壳牌利用Aspen PIMS-AO云部署加速计划业务并提高利润

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AspenTech is collecting and may process your personal data for a variety of reasons related to our business and our ability to deliver the best possible products, customer support service and overall user experience. Accordingly, we may use your personal data to administer research surveys, to accurately deliver contracted services, to register you for events, to understand your preferences and to detect and prevent any fraudulent or unauthorized activities. Please refer to AspenTech’s Privacy and Security Policy, which is available here, for more information regarding our collection and processing of your personal data.

壳牌通过云环境中的Aspen PIMS-AO加快规划,提高利润率

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