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中国网络研讨会: 利用动态优化减少利润损失,最大限度提升高价值产品的收率

目前,炼油厂和石化厂都在积极寻求减少生产计划、调度和实际操作等环节间利润漏损的方法。AspenTech®的动态优化技术Aspen GDOT™,加之其一流的统一生产优化环境Aspen Unified™,能基于不断变化的经济状况调整工厂运营,从而实时优化生产。


V12 Aspen GDOT的新功能可助您:

  • 更好地协调计划、调度和运营决策等各个环节
  • 通过APC层的一致优化和约束处理,使工厂运行接近极限
  • 通过为计划人员提供当前流程限制的准确视图来优化计划
  • 利用简单直观的流程表环境,加快用户培训

回顾网络研讨会了解如何利用Aspen GDOT更好地协调计划、调度和APC层面,加强合作、不断调整和优化。

中国网络研讨会: 利用动态优化减少利润损失,最大限度提升高价值产品的收率

Why we collect this data

AspenTech is collecting and may process your personal data for a variety of reasons related to our business and our ability to deliver the best possible products, customer support service and overall user experience. Accordingly, we may use your personal data to administer research surveys, to accurately deliver contracted services, to register you for events, to understand your preferences and to detect and prevent any fraudulent or unauthorized activities. Please refer to AspenTech’s Privacy and Security Policy, which is available here, for more information regarding our collection and processing of your personal data.

中国网络研讨会: 利用动态优化减少利润损失,最大限度提升高价值产品的收率

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