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Improved Imaging and Subtle Faults and Fracture Characterization using Full Azimuth Angle Domain Imaging: A Case Study from Cambay Basin, India

Full azimuth angle domain imaging provides an alternate way to map events in structurally complex areas. Information about continuous surfaces can be derived from specular gathers, while diffraction gathers are used to derive information about discontinuity i.e., faults and small-scale fractures.

In this study, full-azimuth angle domain depth imaging is used to improve imaging in the deeper part of the area being studied and map subtle faults. Automatic fault extraction provides additional attributes such as fracture intensity and orientation. New outputs will help in identifying hydrocarbon prospects in this area.

Improved Imaging and Subtle Faults and Fracture Characterization using Full Azimuth Angle Domain Imaging: A Case Study from Cambay Basin, India

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Improved imaging and subtle faults and fracture characterization using full azimuth angle domain imaging: A case study from Cambay Basin, India

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