White Paper
最近のGartnerの調査によると、製造業の回答者の85%が、スマート製造戦略に関連する最大の課題は他のサプライチェーン機能との統合であると報告しています。 本ホワイトペーパーでは、業界のリーダーがバリューチェーン全体を調整し、顧客中心、収益性、需要と供給の変化への対応を強化した事例をご紹介しております。
White Paper
An Enhanced Iterative Process for Sustaining the Value of APC Applications
Learn about how the synergy between innovations in model identification, automated testing and controller operating modes are creating opportunities to bring new efficiencies to sustaining APC controllers. These innovations address some of the long-standing challenges facing APC practitioners: dealing with closed loop data, managing APC solutions with model mismatch until repairs can be completed, and reducing the operational impact of step testing. With these advances, we now have the technology to begin constructing continuous improvement processes in lieu of the traditional sustained value workflows.
White Paper
An Integrated Approach to Pipeline Modeling in a Gathering and Production System
Learn how you can eliminate the need to employ separate third-party tools for pipeline hydraulics by modeling the entire gathering and production system (be it offshore, onshore, topside, etc.) within one tool. Using this new pipeline hydraulics modeling capability, you can optimize the design from a capital and energy perspective, and also ensure the overall safety of the system.
White Paper
Aspen DMC3 Robust Tutorial
Learn how the robust control functionality contributes to a useful reduction in maintenance cost and helps extend times between revamps for APC controllers.
White Paper
Aspen PIMS-AO Deployment in the Cloud
Digital technology such as cloud computing is transforming the way companies do business. By deploying cloud technology, energy and chemical companies can efficiently process scenarios needed to mitigate business risk even faster. Download this white paper to learn more about the benefits of deploying Aspen PIMS-AO in the cloud and the competitive advantage it provides.
White Paper
Benchmarking Organizations During Lean Times
How do contractors and owners manage risk in today’s environment? There is intense pressure to understand estimating uncertainty and deliver better designs and lower bids. By reading this white paper you'll understand new ways to deliver bids faster and increase transparency with respect to estimate risk and uncertainty.
White Paper
BPCL Mumbai Refinery Enhances Energy Management Using AspenTech Solutions
Energy is often the largest operating expense after raw materials for refining and petrochemicals companies, frequently starting out at over 50 percent of operating costs prior to energy reduction programs. Managing and optimizing these energy costs are critical capabilities for a refinery to meet profitability and sustainability targets. This white paper details the journey Bharat Petroleum Mumbai Refinery (BPCL-MR) in Mahul, India underwent to improve operations while optimizing energy costs.
Recipe Based Process Scale Up - Application Overview
With Recipe-based modeling, chemists and engineers can work together to develop new processes faster, remove equipment and schedule limitations, and transfer technology smoothly between sites and departments. With Aspen Batch Process Developer use recipe-based modeling solutions to develop your batch process from lab to plant using models that grow with the scale of your batch process. Watch now to learn more.
Project Cost Estimation- Application Overview
Owner operator’s seek to understand the sources of cost from a bid received from an engineering and construction firm to remove unnecessary CAPEX and improve the design, benefiting both parties. A shared model based platform improves transparency, improves design and lowers CAPEX. Watch now to learn more.
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