Case Study

Refinería en Reino Unido incrementa producción de destilados medios con Aspen GDOT™

Descargue este caso de estudio para conocer cómo una refinería en el Reino Unido utilizó Aspen GDOT para incrementar su producción de destilados medios en un 10%. La tecnología de lazo cerrado se ajusta automáticamente a múltiples unidades de proceso con base en condiciones cambiantes para mantener la consistencia del producto y mejorar el desempeño global de la refinería. Descubra cómo puede hacer que sus operaciones sean más rentables al utilizar Aspen GDOT.

Case Study

GlaxoSmithKline Speeds up Batch Release Time: A Study in Digital Transformation

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) wanted to review the structure of its batch production record and associated workflows as part of a continuous improvement process. Reducing batch review time usually results in faster batch cycle time, meaning higher throughput at the production facility and faster cash-to-cash cycle time. AspenTech was selected for this process due to integration with other solutions, such as Aspen InfoPlus.21® and GSK’s existing plant automation software (DCS). The pilot project was a resounding success, reducing order preparation time by 95% and record review time by over 50%.

On-Demand Webinar

Integración Vertical: La Parte Esencial de Toda Estrategia de Digitalización

La Transformación Digital busca el uso de tecnología para ayudarlo a lograr sus metas: Minimizar errores, maximizar producción, mejorar calidad de producto y servicio al cliente. La integración Vertical de tecnologías – también conocida como “Smart Manufacturing” o Industria 4.0 – sincroniza sistemas comerciales, como ordenes de producción del ERP, con sistemas de manufactura como los DCS, balanzas o lectores de códigos de barras. Este webinar le mostrará cómo puede reducir los errores de calidad del producto, los tiempos de ciclo de lotes y los costos operativos.

On-Demand Webinar

Improving Profitability Using Operational Analytics featuring ADM

This on-demand webinar focuses on how the Aspen ProMV™ operational analytics suite provided a time-efficient and cost-effective solution for ADM in solving their most critical manufacturing process challenges by quickly learning from their process data.

On-Demand Webinar

Vertical Integration: The Essential Part of Any Digitalization Strategy

Digital transformation seeks to use technology to achieve your goals: fewer errors, more production, better product quality and improved customer service. The vertical integration of enterprise and IT technologies — also known as "smart manufacturing" or Industry 4.0 — synchronizes commercial systems, such as production orders from the ERP, with manufacturing systems like the DCS, weigh scales or barcode readers. This webinar will show you how can reduce product quality errors, batch cycle times and operating costs

On-Demand Webinar

Challenges and Opportunities of the Circular Economy

Sustainability remains top-of-mind for most executives as they work to balance environmental concerns with business performance. Digital solutions have emerged as a key enabler to help companies make progress toward their sustainability goals.

On-Demand Webinar

People, Planet, Profits: Digital Strategies for a Circular Economy

While most chemical companies have sustainability initiatives in place with varying reliance on digital technologies to achieve these goals, challenges remain. What are the key enablers to eliminate emissions and waste, extend material use and regenerate natural systems? How do new innovations accelerate this effort?

On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: aspenONE® V11 Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Execution Synergies

In this free webinar, AspenTech’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Manufacturing Execution Systems(MES) groups will share how NEW features in the recent V11 release close the gap between supply chain planning and manufacturing execution. During this webinar we will take a close look into each process and how they overlap, the people involved, and show how AspenTech’s industry-leading technology extends vertical integration capabilities and changes the way manufacturing organizations operate.





Push the Boundary of What's Possible with Aspen Hybrid Models™

The release of Aspen Hybrid Models in our V12 software release provides a major step forward for oil and gas, midstream, refining, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals.

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