Interview with an Expert

Alcance Nuevos Niveles de Eficiencia Y Confiabilidad A Través de Sistemas de Gestión de Desempeño

Peter Thuering comparte su percepción acerca de cómo las compañías productoras de Químicos de Especialidad están usando Sistemas de Gestión de Desempeño para incrementar productividad y eficiencia, incluyendo algunas de sus experiencias recientes con clientes de la industria.

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud

Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications. In a highly collaborative global project with AspenTech, Shell successfully deployed Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud resulting in margin uplift, improved work-life balance and reduced IT costs. Read this case study to learn how you can improve margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud.

Case Study


了解凯诺斯公司如何借助Aspen Plus®间歇模拟,获得关于流程的宝贵见解,从而减少工厂试验和实验,保证流程响应不断变化的客户需求。

Case Study

Shell Adopts Global Supply Chain Process to Increase Profitability and Drive an “Enterprise First” Strategy

After the company identified uncommon operating procedures at each of its many refineries — which led to inefficiencies and lower margins — Shell launched “Enterprise First,” an initiative designed to standardize processes and technology across the organization. The key to driving this strategy — and meeting its objectives — is an integrated aspenONE® Supply Chain Management solution that helps Shell optimize refinery production, reduce costs and increase margin.

Case Study

Korea's SK E&C Reduces Engineering Estimating Man-Hours by 50% With Aspen Capital Cost Estimator™

Learn how SK Engineering & Construction improved the speed and accuracy of their capital project cost estimates with Aspen Capital Cost Estimator (ACCE).

Case Study

Strategic Estimating Systems (SES)

Learn how SES, one of the leading estimating organizations worldwide, saves 70% manhours using ACCE. SES is responsible for, estimating projects such as SADARA, Suncor Tar Sands, and Mozambique LNG using ACCE.

Case Study

イノベーションファストトラック:新製品開発における時間と コストの節約 (日本語事例カタログ)

ケノス社がAspen Plus®バッチモデリングを活用し、プロセスにおいてどのように利益を確保し、試運転、試作をほとんど行わず、顧客ニーズの変更に対応できたかをご説明しています。日本語の事例カタログです。

Case Study

イノベーションファストトラック:新製品開発における時間と コストの節約 (日本語事例カタログ)

ケノス社がAspen Plus®バッチモデリングを活用し、プロセスにおいてどのように利益を確保し、試運転、試作をほとんど行わず、顧客ニーズの変更に対応できたかをご説明しています。日本語の事例カタログです。

Case Study

Oxiteno Plant Operations Reacts Quickly to Market Demand

Oxiteno has used the aspenONE® Engineering suite extensively over the past 25 years to modify and optimize current units, as well as design new units with complex configurations. Learn more.

Case Study

Customer Testimonial: PEMEX Accelerates Project Execution with Optimized Design and Cost Estimation

Learn why PEMEX chose an aspenONE solution to help build a Center of Excellence to drive operational performance.

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