Case Study

Customer Testimonial: DeNovo Drives Operational Excellence through Dynamic Simulation and Real-Time Insights

Learn why DeNovo chose to deploy aspenONE® solutions to maximize production output while drastically reducing operations and maintenance costs.


Aspen Plus Brochure: Process Simulation for Chemicals

Aspen Plus advances the performance of chemical processes using the best-in-class simulation software for bulk chemicals, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. This powerful modeling technology enables optimization of throughput, product quality and energy use in processes with batch, continuous, and mixed batch and continuous operations.

Case Study

Optimización de la producción en transporte e instalaciones de producción de gas natural con una solución integral de ingeniería

Aprenda cómo YPFB Andina aumentó su producción de gas utilizando una solución de modelo integrado que proporcionó un aumento en las ganancias por $ 280 millones en 1 año.

Case Study

Detección de fugas en el rehervidor con meses de anticipación

Descubra cómo un fabricante de termoplásticos de ingeniería descubrió la causa raíz de fallas recurrentes en sus calderas de tubos y calderas utilizando el mantenimiento prescriptivo de Aspen Mtell.


Aspen Plant Scheduler

Generate optimal production schedules to maximize profitability and meet service levels with the Aspen Plant Scheduler Family.

Case Study

Digital Supply Chain Helps FPCO Reduce Emissions and Waste, Meet Sustainability Goals

FP Corporation (FPCO) is Japan’s largest manufacturer of food containers and a logistics service provider delivering a range of products to stores engaged in food distribution. They needed to provide stable and responsive food distribution in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.


Aspen PIMS Family

Aspen PIMS is a scalable planning system that helps companies optimize feedstock selection, product slate, plant design, and operational execution. Learn how the how Aspen PIMS family can enable you to make fast, accurate, and profitable decisions about plant operations and much more.

Case Study

Digital Transformation with Predictive Maintenance Drives Cost Savings

When this large energy company launched its digital transformation initiative, it turned to Aspen Mtell® to execute an online predictive maintenance pilot on a hydrogen compressor.


Aspen GDOT™

借助Aspen通用动态优化技术(General Dynamic Optimization Technology)缩小计划与实际运营之间的差距。Aspen GDOTTM 通过实时动态优化和协调多台工艺装置调整计划和调度目标,以确保始终实现惠及全厂的最佳经济效益。

Case Study

Dos fallas inminentes se detuvieron a las dos semanas del monitoreo

Lea cómo esta compañía minera utilizó Aspen Mtell para predecir dos posibles fallas cuando se implementó en 12 activos durante un breve piloto en línea. Permitiendo así, un tiempo de inactividad planificado de equipos críticos, ahorrando dinero por cortes inesperados.

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