Aspen Mtell: 에이전트란 무엇인가?
Aspen Mtell은 에이전트를 통해 설비 자산의 고장을 사전에 정확히 감지하여 비계획 가동중단으로 인해 발생되는 문제들을 없애는 솔루션입니다. 이 비디오는 에이전트가 무엇인지, 어떤 역할을 하는지, 어떻게 생성되는지, 이를 통해 궁극적으로 공장의 설비와 인력, 그리고 환경을 어떻게 보호하는지 알기 쉽게 보여드립니다.
Keeping Promises
Advances in technology often do a great job of improving the bottom line. But what if this technology could also improve your quality of life? In this video, see how AspenTech delivers the technology and expertise to help you prevent unplanned downtime—and keep your promises with complete confidence.
Aspen Mtell®: エージェントとは?
Aspen Mtellは、エージェントを使用してアセットの障害をより早く正確に認識する処方的メンテナンスソリューションです。 このビデオでは、エージェントとは何か、何をするのか、どのように作成されるのか、どのように機能するのかをご覧いただけます。
Part 3: Optimizing Heat Exchanger Design
Part 3; Interview with product manager Sujit Potdar communicates the value proposition to businesses and the product scope and vision of Aspen EDR.
Transfer Learning with Aspen Mtell
Understand how Aspen Mtell’s Autonomous Agents share failure signatures across similar assets, enabling rapid time to value.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Increase efficiency and utilization to improve overall equipment effectiveness focus resources on opportunities for performance improvements with OEE.
Aspen Mtell para Minería y Metales: ¿Qué es un agente?
Aspen Mtell® es una solución de mantenimiento prescriptivo que utiliza agentes para reconocer fallas de activos con anticipación y con mayor precisión que otras herramientas. Conozca cómo trabajan los agentes para la industria de minería y metales: vea lo que hacen, cómo se crean y cómo protegen a los equipos, las personas y al medio ambiente.
Optimize Blends with Refinery Blending Software
Optimize blend schedules to maximize profit and consistently meet product demand to Spec. Reduce off-spec blends and quality giveaway by simultaneously optimizing multi-period blends for short and long-term campaigns.
Aspen Mtell for Metals & Mining: What is an Agent?
Aspen Mtell is a prescriptive maintenance solution that uses Agents to recognize asset failures earlier and with greater accuracy. View this video to learn what an Agent is, what they do, how they are created and how they work—to safeguard equipment, people and the environment.
OPTIMIZE™ 21: Message from AspenTech President and CEO, Antonio Pietri
What can you expect at this year’s OPTIMIZE™ virtual experience? Watch as Antonio Pietri, President and CEO of Aspen Technology, talks about the key highlights of OPTIMIZE 21 and why it’s the premier global event for companies within capital-intensive industries that want to accelerate their digitalization journey.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Monday, April 14, 2025