Data Management for Manufacturing Operations Management

Data must be prepared for analysis by removing bad values, dealing with missing values, aligning data from different systems and performing any required transformations. The skills for those tasks are anything but common. Automation can play a significant role in completing those tasks and others in the analysis workflows by supplementing the skills of users with best-practice based approaches to data conditioning. 


Creating an Analytic - Column Analytics Demo

Column Analytics gives one "X-ray vision" to see what is going on in a column to prevent process abuse and notify the operator of needed process changes before the column goes down due to flooding.


Compitiendo en un nuevo panorama global

Vivimos y trabajamos en un mundo que es cada vez más volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo. La industria energética, y la industria petrolera en particular, está en un punto de inflexión en que la sociedad desafía su capacidad para operar. Vea en este video al Presidente y CEO de AspenTech, Antonio Pietri, mientras comparte cómo las tecnologías avanzadas están desbloqueando ideas que nunca antes habían sido posibles y creando oportunidades para generar valor y crecimiento. Incluso en las operaciones comerciales más adversas.


Competing in a New Global Landscape

We live and work in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The energy industry, in particular, is at a turning point as society challenges its ability to operate. Watch AspenTech President and CEO Antonio Pietri as he shares how advanced technologies are unlocking insights and creating new opportunities for value creation and growth, even in the most challenging business conditions.


Competindo em um Novo Cenário Global

Vivemos e trabalhamos em um mundo cada vez mais volátil, incerto, complexo e ambíguo. A indústria da energia e do petróleo, em particular, encontra-se em um ponto de transição e a sociedade questiona sua abilidade para operar. Veja o vídeo com ao presidente e CEO da AspenTech, Antonio Pietri, onde ele compartilha como as tecnologias avançadas estão revelando insights e criando novas oportunidades para criação de valor e crescimento, mesmo nas mais desafiadoras condições de negócios


Convergence of AI & lloT: Accelerate your Industrial Digital Transformation

At CERAWeek 2021, Bill Scudder, Senior Vice President and GM of AIoT Solutions at Aspen Technology, discussed the convergence of AI and IIoT into a new paradigm: The Artificial Intelligence of Things or AIoT. He described how a variety of market forces are putting increased pressure on operators to improve their operational efficiency. These forces include economic, sustainability, workforce and technology. Bill illustrated how industrial AI is defined by three domains, software at scale, data science/AI and domain expertise, and that, to be successful, Industrial AI solutions need to encompass all three domains. Finally, Bill introduced the vision of the Self-Optimizing Plant and the necessity of robust Industrial AI infrastructure to support it.


Aspen Unified, 차세대 생산계획 및 스케줄링 소프트웨어

Aspen Unified 소프트웨어는 의사 결정을 향상시켜 수익을 높일 수 있도록 생산계획과 스케줄링을 단일화된 관리 환경으로 통합했습니다. 실제 공장 데이터와의 보정(Reconciliation), 결과물에 대한 시각화, 다양한 시나리오 케이스 생성 및 실행 가능한 스케줄 초안 수립 등 많은 일상적인 작업을 자동화하여 연간 수백 시간을 절약하는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오.


Maintain Refinery Planning Models Using Aspen HYSYS

See how refineries can keep their profit margins high by maintaining their planning models up to date, in the face of changing operating conditions, using built-in capabilities in Aspen HYSYS.


Learn How You Can Have a Kinetic Model of Any Major Refinery Reactor in Aspen HYSYS

Learn how you can use Aspen HYSYS to develop a rigorous model of any major refinery reactor. Aspen HYSYS offers a complete suite of all major refinery reactor units.


Learn How to Design an Air Cooler with Aspen EDR

See how to design an air cooler using Aspen EDR and Aspen HYSYS, for the overhead condenser of a crude distillation unit in a refinery.

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