
Heat Exchanger Design - Application Overview

Robust heat exchangers designed and delivered on time and on budget are vital for the success of engineering projects. AspenTech offers an integrated design workflow that supports every major type of heat exchanger. The seamless integration between its solutions for process design and the thermal and mechanical design of heat exchangers reduces design time. Learn more.

White Paper

インダストリアルIoTインサイト: Asset Healthスコア

この記事では AspenTech AIoT platform のIoTアナリティックスが、センサや稼働中デバイス の時系列データを使用し、設備資産のAsset Health スコアをどのように算出しているかを解説します。Asset Health スコアによって、サービスチームはリアルタイムで設備資産の健全性を把握で き、サービス業務やメンテナンスにかかる費用の削減につなげることができます。

White Paper

The Engineer Inside the System: Accurate Economic Evaluation Across the Capital Project Lifecycle

Ron Beck speaks to the power of a model based estimating system providing insight to its attributes like reusable templates and saleable features. How does ACCE differ from my proprietary Excel-based spreadsheets?

White Paper

Keep Projects on Track: Improve Communication During Estimating

ACCE is central to your strategy to lower CAPEX for your bids or estimates by being one common bidding and estimating platform across the bidding cycle.

White Paper

Six Keys to Building Resilience, Agility and Recovery for the Chemical Industry

In the current extreme VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment, chemical producers are learning the importance of operating with insight and agility. At the same time, companies are being tested for the depth of their resilience, and learning how to navigate huge shifts in demand, supply, workforce and economics, and emerge from this crisis in a stronger position.



Aspen Mtell is a prescriptive maintenance solution that uses Agents to recognize asset failures earlier and with greater accuracy. Learn what an Agent is, what they do, how they are created, and how they work—to Safeguard equipment, people, and the environment.

White Paper

Kickstarting Your Predictive Maintenance Journey with Existing Data and Resources

This white paper considers the challenges power generation operators face today and the forces that are driving demand for more proactive maintenance strategies. Gain insight into predictive maintenance that is being used to create a more comprehensive, correlated, efficient and effective environment for the collection, management,analysis and presentation of data. Discover the critical differences that make predictive maintenance a much more efficient and effective alternative to planned and condition based maintenance methodologies.

White Paper




Feeling a Little VUCA?

In this brief video, Antonio Pietri discusses the concept of VUCA and what that means for Industry 4.0 and digitalization in the smart enterprise.

White Paper

Make Your Estimate a True Strategic Weapon

Adoption of ACCE can easily follow a known process that leverages organizational alignment, implementation of the software and a change in workflow processes that maximizes benefits.

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