
Production Optimization

AspenTech’s Production Optimization solution provides quantifiable benefits for companies who are on their digitalization journey to improve margins, increase productivity and adapt faster to changing marketing demands.


Polymers Scheduling with Aspen Plant Scheduler

With polymers scheduling utilizing Aspen Plant Scheduler, companies can improve throughput and reduce the number of transitions while simultaneously achieving high on-time order fulfillment rates. Polymer manufacturers are looking for ways to increase on time order fulfillment, unlock their plants “hidden capacity," and reduce total time spent in transitions. Scheduling with intuitive product wheels and powerful sequence optimization methods assists in achieving these goals.


Aspen Mtell을 이용하여 공정 운전 문제로 인한 고장을 예방하는 방법

설비 이상을 조기 감지하여 처방적 유지보수를 가능하게 하는 Aspen Mtell은 액체 캐리오버와 같은 상황을 방지하도록 실시간으로 공정 운전 조건을 조정할 수 있도록 함으로써 원심압축기의 심각한 고장을 예방합니다. 이 비디오는 운전 담당자들이 어떻게 장치 손상을 야기하는 까다로운 공정 이상을 조기에 정확히 감지하고, 공정 운전 문제로 인한 설비성능 저하와 심각한 고장을 예방할 수 있는지를 보여줍니다.


Performance Management

Improve operational performance with real-time visualization to increase visibility, agility and responsive to production problems with performance management.


Part 4: Optimizing Heat Exchanger Design

Part 4: This interview with Hafez Bharami, a PhD chemical engineering in our heat exchanger R&D team.





Part 2: Optimizing Heat Exchanger Design

Part 2: Technical direction and vision. This interview with key developer Gabe Aurieoles, puts the face to the technical expertise and vision behind the EDR product.


What’s New in aspenONE Supply Chain Management?

Discover the new, completely redesigned and modernized HTML5 version of Collaborative Forecasting as well as the polymers scheduling capabilities in Aspen Plant Scheduler.


Part 1: Optimizing Heat Exchanger Design & Operation

Part 1: Improving the User Experience -  This interview with AspenTech developer Sam Neilsen, is a compelling piece to put the people behind the software with EDR.


What’s New in aspenONE Process Explorer?

With the KPI Hierarchies feature in aspenONE Process Explorer V10, obtain real-time perspectives of severe alarms over an entire site, and trace through the hierarchy to determine the source of alarms.

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