Webinar with Samsung EA: Uncovering New Energy Saving Opportunities Quickly and Digitally

Mandated to aggressively reduce emissions, today’s refining and chemical companies must also find new ways to improve energy efficiency and—in turn—margins. The sooner owner/operators uncover opportunities for improvement, the faster they can advance operational excellence goals.

Join experts from AspenTech® and Samsung E&A as they share innovative digital tools and services that help companies quickly identify cost-saving, emission-reducing measures. Learn how this new partnership enables you to: 

  • Explore low-CAPEX energy projects around areas such as heat integration 
  • Make incremental or larger gains in energy efficiency—and profitability 
  • Take a strategic approach in accelerating energy optimization across assets 

You’ll hear case studies of how companies are using these same tools and methodologies to achieve significant, measurable results. If you’re responsible for energy efficiency, emissions reduction and technical services within your organization, you won’t want to miss this webinar.

Webinar with Samsung EA: Uncovering New Energy Saving Opportunities Quickly and Digitally

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Webinar with Samsung EA: Uncovering New Energy Saving Opportunities Quickly and Digitally

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