Specialty Chemicals


On-Demand Webinar

Building Effective Seed Models for Adaptive Process Control

John Campbell (AspenTech) shares how to use seed models (less than perfect models based on historical data or similar processes) to shorten the time before a controller is turned on to accrue benefits earlier and potentially develop multiple controllers at once (in parallel).

On-Demand Webinar

APC Webinar: An Epic Journey from Flatline to Frontline

In this presentation, Dr. Prakash Karpe (retired from leading refiner Phillips 66) will share the fascinating story of how he revived the Advanced Process Control (APC) organization within a Fortune 500 energy company. Under his guidance, the APC organization delivered 4 times more benefits and became one of the most valued organizations within the company in just three years.

On-Demand Webinar

Drive Organization and Control Improvements with Aspen Watch and Aspen IQ Performance KPIs

Advanced Process Control (APC) key performance indicators (KPIs) provide drive and feedback to continuously improve operations. Join APC expert, Ray Coker, to see how he uses Aspen Watch and Aspen IQ Performance KPIs at Marathon Petroleum Corporation to drive significant organization and control improvements.

On-Demand Webinar

Experiences With Aspen DMC3 Builder™ Featuring ExxonMobil

Aspen DMC3 Builder is a powerful, integrated platform that is used to manage the entire lifecycle of advanced process control (APC) applications. ExxonMobil has found through recent implementations that this tool provides an extremely positive experience for both new and experienced APC engineers and has plans to migrate all controllers across the enterprise. Join ExxonMobil’s APC experts, Dave Hokanson and Philippe D'Hooghe, to learn about the powerful new features within Aspen DMC3 Builder that are the keys to success on those applications.

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Improved Advanced Control Performance using DMC3™ Calibrate, featuring ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil has used Aspen DMC3 Calibrate on a wide variety of both refining and chemical units. In this presentation, ExxonMobil’s APC experts David Hokanson and Roger Hall reviewed successes and benefits of utilizing this innovative technology on a variety of processes, and its use for both new and revamp projects. They also included an overview of the number and breadth of the applications that have been completed to date.

On-Demand Webinar

Simplify Controller Tuning using Aspen DMC3 Smart Tune

Overview and demo from AT experts on Smart Tune- an enhanced optimization algorithm that simplifies the tuning and configuration workflow. Smart Tune allows users to directly specify objectives rather than enduring the complicated tuning process.

On-Demand Webinar

中国网络研讨会: 利用动态优化减少利润损失,最大限度提升高价值产品的收率

目前,炼油厂和石化厂都在积极寻求减少生产计划、调度和实际操作等环节间利润漏损的方法。AspenTech®的动态优化技术Aspen GDOT™,加之其一流的统一生产优化环境Aspen Unified™,能基于不断变化的经济状况调整工厂运营,从而实时优化生产。

On-Demand Webinar

See How Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Keeps You Up to Speed

Aspen Watch Performance Monitor provides real-time monitoring and diagnostic information to help engineers and operators focus on the problems that erode margins. During this on-demand webinar, Joep Bazelmans of SABIC-Europe will share his methods and suggestions for implementing custom KPIs, helping you keep an eye on performance.

On-Demand Webinar

Increasing LNG Production and Gas Plant Yields by 2-5% with Advanced Process Control

LNG facilities are typically constrained by refrigeration capacity which is affected by many factors, predominantly ambient conditions. Due to the highly interactive nature of the liquefaction process and small feasible operating envelope, consistently maximizing production poses a challenge for LNG operators. Join Andrew Taylor, Principal Advanced Process Control (APC) Consultant at Greenfern Dynamics, for this on-demand webinar to learn about typical benefit areas and mechanisms associated with APC.

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