Case Study

Refinería en Reino Unido incrementa producción de destilados medios con Aspen GDOT™

Descargue este caso de estudio para conocer cómo una refinería en el Reino Unido utilizó Aspen GDOT para incrementar su producción de destilados medios en un 10%. La tecnología de lazo cerrado se ajusta automáticamente a múltiples unidades de proceso con base en condiciones cambiantes para mantener la consistencia del producto y mejorar el desempeño global de la refinería. Descubra cómo puede hacer que sus operaciones sean más rentables al utilizar Aspen GDOT.

Specialty Chemicals


On-Demand Webinar

Drive Organization and Control Improvements with Aspen Watch and Aspen IQ Performance KPIs

Advanced Process Control (APC) key performance indicators (KPIs) provide drive and feedback to continuously improve operations. Join APC expert, Ray Coker, to see how he uses Aspen Watch and Aspen IQ Performance KPIs at Marathon Petroleum Corporation to drive significant organization and control improvements.

On-Demand Webinar

ExxonMobil's Experiences Utilizing Adaptive Process Control to Deploy and Maintain APC Applications

Adaptive Process Control is changing the way major organizations like ExxonMobil build and maintain APC controllers. In this webinar, ExxonMobil experts will share the benefits they achieved by using Adaptive Process Control technology within Aspen DMC3 to deploy and maintain APC applications across their organization.

On-Demand Webinar

Increase Production and Reliability in Upstream Operations using AspenTech's Advanced Process Control Solution

Most upstream assets have large untapped benefits that AspenTech's advanced process control (APC) technology can unlock through mitigation of slugging effects, optimizing well production and improving energy efficiency. These benefits offer 2-5 percent improvement in production and up to 10 percent reduction in energy usage. AspenTech customers currently using APC in upstream assets report millions of dollars per year in benefits from a single application. This webinar discusses the benefits and application examples of APC in upstream processes.

On-Demand Webinar

中国网络研讨会: 利用动态优化减少利润损失,最大限度提升高价值产品的收率

目前,炼油厂和石化厂都在积极寻求减少生产计划、调度和实际操作等环节间利润漏损的方法。AspenTech®的动态优化技术Aspen GDOT™,加之其一流的统一生产优化环境Aspen Unified™,能基于不断变化的经济状况调整工厂运营,从而实时优化生产。

On-Demand Webinar

See How Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Keeps You Up to Speed

Aspen Watch Performance Monitor provides real-time monitoring and diagnostic information to help engineers and operators focus on the problems that erode margins. During this on-demand webinar, Joep Bazelmans of SABIC-Europe will share his methods and suggestions for implementing custom KPIs, helping you keep an eye on performance.

On-Demand Webinar

Revolutionize APC Model Building and Make More Accurate Predictions with Embedded AI

As companies look to improve efficiency amid changing conditions and constrained resources, new advancements in APC dramatically streamline operations. The newly released aspenONE® V12 features embedded AI and parallel computing to enable even less-experienced users to generate faster seed models and more accurate inferentials.

On-Demand Webinar

Increasing LNG Production and Gas Plant Yields by 2-5% with Advanced Process Control

LNG facilities are typically constrained by refrigeration capacity which is affected by many factors, predominantly ambient conditions. Due to the highly interactive nature of the liquefaction process and small feasible operating envelope, consistently maximizing production poses a challenge for LNG operators. Join Andrew Taylor, Principal Advanced Process Control (APC) Consultant at Greenfern Dynamics, for this on-demand webinar to learn about typical benefit areas and mechanisms associated with APC.

On-Demand Webinar

Melhores Práticas em Controle Avançado de Processos: Tecnologia Chave para a Digitalização

Com a introdução do Monitoramento Centralizado de Desempenho na versão 11 do aspenONE APC (Advanced Process Control), as empresas podem melhorar suas margens de operação em toda a organização, tendo melhor visibilidade dos benefícios e desempenho dos controladores. As novas capacidades não-lineares do Aspen DMC3™ permitem estender as ferramentas e funcionalidades do controlador para processos não-lineares.

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