Case Study

GlaxoSmithKline Speeds up Batch Release Time: A Study in Digital Transformation

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) wanted to review the structure of its batch production record and associated workflows as part of a continuous improvement process. Reducing batch review time usually results in faster batch cycle time, meaning higher throughput at the production facility and faster cash-to-cash cycle time. AspenTech was selected for this process due to integration with other solutions, such as Aspen InfoPlus.21® and GSK’s existing plant automation software (DCS). The pilot project was a resounding success, reducing order preparation time by 95% and record review time by over 50%.

On-Demand Webinar

Discover the Origin of Production Losses to Improve Operational Excellence

Hear from industry veterans Stuart Forrest and Paul Talley, on how organizations are increasing uptime, efficiency and utilization with focused attention on high-value problem areas. Find out how AspenTech MES solutions can help you achieve a new level of asset management.

On-Demand Webinar

How are Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies Using Data and AI with Confidence?

Pharma and biotech companies face a pivotal next step in addressing the increased complexity of production while balancing mounting cost pressures with the need to ensure product quality, security of supply and regulatory compliance.

On-Demand Webinar

The Connected Plant: Transforming Data into Value

Possessing the data is one thing; however, understanding your data and its value is something different. Join ARC Advisory Group and AspenTech for a webinar to learn how to leverage your data using transformational technologies to drive operational excellence with manufacturing execution systems (MES). Janice Abel of ARC will lead an interactive discussion around key technology trends, benefits and innovations and what’s important in the process industries.

On-Demand Webinar

Leverage History to Reduce Batch Cycle Time by 30% with Aspen ProMV

How can you use historical data to improve batch quality, increase yield and reduce costs? Join Dr. John MacGregor, a foremost thought leader on multivariate analysis and founder of ProSensus, as he shares how Aspen ProMV helps you solve the most complex manufacturing problems. Discover key capabilities to help you:

On-Demand Webinar

Streamline Concurrent Simulation Scenarios to Solve Problems Faster

Today, it’s more important than ever to perform rigorous optioneering to find the best solutions for improving process efficiency and asset flexibility. In this webinar, AspenTech’s experts will show how the new Aspen Multi-Case™ dramatically accelerates the evaluation of design and operating scenarios, provides visual tools for selecting the best alternatives and improves overall agility and collaboration across the engineering team.

On-Demand Webinar

Integración Vertical: La Parte Esencial de Toda Estrategia de Digitalización

La Transformación Digital busca el uso de tecnología para ayudarlo a lograr sus metas: Minimizar errores, maximizar producción, mejorar calidad de producto y servicio al cliente. La integración Vertical de tecnologías – también conocida como “Smart Manufacturing” o Industria 4.0 – sincroniza sistemas comerciales, como ordenes de producción del ERP, con sistemas de manufactura como los DCS, balanzas o lectores de códigos de barras. Este webinar le mostrará cómo puede reducir los errores de calidad del producto, los tiempos de ciclo de lotes y los costos operativos.

On-Demand Webinar

Melhore a Performance da Planta com Visualização em Tempo Real nas Suas Operações

Sistemas de Execução de Produção fornecem a maneira mais fácil e eficaz de acessar e analisar as informações do historiador de processo. As empresas líderes confiam em plataformas de visualização de dados inovadoras para exibir dados de tags, visualizar telas e analisar a performance de planta.

On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: Maximize Product Quality and Yield for Your Batch Processes

How do you navigate the complexity of your batch processes? You need a sophisticated multivariate analytics tool that can reliably extract actionable insights from your process and laboratory data. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of our Aspen ProMV™ software suite, which provides leading-edge, patent pending batch data analytics to continually drive your process to optimal performance for quality, yield and throughput, while ensuring process safety.

On-Demand Webinar


在网络研讨会时,我们概述了Aspen ProMV™软件套件,该套件正在申请专利的批量处理数据分析,以在确保过程安全性的同时,不断推动您的过程达到质量,产量和吞吐量的最佳性能。提交表格立即观看网络研讨会重播。

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