Case Study
日本の製薬会社がAspen Plus®で 品質改善を実現
日本に本社を置き、創業から140年の歴史を誇るグローバル製薬会社がAspen Plusを導入して新規原薬(API)の合成を改善しました。同社は、創薬に重点を置きながら医薬品や医療機器の研究開発から製造、販売まで行っています。
Case Study
GlaxoSmithKline Speeds up Batch Release Time: A Study in Digital Transformation
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) wanted to review the structure of its batch production record and associated workflows as part of a continuous improvement process. Reducing batch review time usually results in faster batch cycle time, meaning higher throughput at the production facility and faster cash-to-cash cycle time. AspenTech was selected for this process due to integration with other solutions, such as Aspen InfoPlus.21® and GSK’s existing plant automation software (DCS). The pilot project was a resounding success, reducing order preparation time by 95% and record review time by over 50%.
On-Demand Webinar
Aspen Plusによる固体バッチプロセスモデルの最適化
このセッションは全4回(固体基礎、晶析、ろ過、乾燥)からなるバッチ固体プロセス全体最適化の第1回目のセッションです。このセッションではAspen Plusで固体を取り扱うための基本的な設定や、固体特有の物性である粒径分布や含水率の設定方法について紹介します。
Aspen Plusの固体モデルにより、プロセス最適化の範囲を従来の気液連続プロセスから固体バッチプロセスまで拡大することができ、固体プロセスを含むプロセス全体の最適化が可能となります。
On-Demand Webinar
Aspen Plusによる固体バッチプロセスモデルの最適化
このセッションは全4回(固体基礎、晶析、ろ過、乾燥)からなるバッチ固体プロセス全体最適化の第1回目のセッションです。このセッションではAspen Plusで固体を取り扱うための基本的な設定や、固体特有の物性である粒径分布や含水率の設定方法について紹介します。
Aspen Plusの固体モデルにより、プロセス最適化の範囲を従来の気液連続プロセスから固体バッチプロセスまで拡大することができ、固体プロセスを含むプロセス全体の最適化が可能となります。
On-Demand Webinar
Deliver Consistent Quality of Solids Using Crystallization Modeling
Learn how modeling crystallization processes in Aspen Plus® enables your organization to quickly deliver solids without the need for tedious trial-and-error experimentation. This unique capability for solvent screening and predictions for particle size distribution allows you to quickly and intuitively maximize crystallization effectiveness to deliver consistent product quality. Discover how you can gain greater insight into your crystallization process.
On-Demand Webinar
실시간 증류탑 모델링을 통한 운전 의사 결정 향상
화학 산업은 제조 운전 과정에서 엄청난 양의 공정 데이터가 실시간으로 생성됩니다. 이 데이터는 많은 정보를 담고 있으며, 공정 모델링을 함께 적용하는 경우, 보다 나은 운전 의사 결정을 내릴 수 있는 통찰력을 제공할 수 있습니다. 본 웨비나는 증류탑 성능 향상 방안을 모색하고 있는 프로세스 엔지니어와 운전 담당자들을 대상으로 합니다.
On-Demand Webinar
The Connected Plant: Transforming Data into Value
Possessing the data is one thing; however, understanding your data and its value is something different. Join ARC Advisory Group and AspenTech for a webinar to learn how to leverage your data using transformational technologies to drive operational excellence with manufacturing execution systems (MES). Janice Abel of ARC will lead an interactive discussion around key technology trends, benefits and innovations and what’s important in the process industries.
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