
Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating Family

Heat exchangers can comprise up to 30% of capital equipment and impact 90% of the energy used in a process plant. The conventional workflow for heat exchanger design requires manual data transfer. The process is time-consuming and prone to data transcription errors. The Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating product family integrates rigorous process models with the industry’s most comprehensive heat exchanger modeling capabilities. In this brochure you will learn how the these fully integrated tools for process design increases engineering efficiency, reduces exchanger costs and improves reliability.

Case Study

Production Optimization of Natural Gas Pipelines & Field Production Facilities Using Performance Engineering

Learn how YPFB Andina was able to increase their gas production using an integrated model solution that was able to provide a $280M increase in revenue in 1 year.

Case Study

Optimización de la producción en transporte e instalaciones de producción de gas natural con una solución integral de ingeniería

Aprenda cómo YPFB Andina aumentó su producción de gas utilizando una solución de modelo integrado que proporcionó un aumento en las ganancias por $ 280 millones en 1 año.

Case Study

Petrofac Improves Process Design Accuracy by Debottlenecking Gas Processes Increasing Capacity by 20%

Download this case study to learn how Petrofac used Aspen HYSYS with Activated EDR models to optimize heat exchanger selection and configuration for a gas production client. This solution achieved the client's goal by increasing gas field production 20%, and as a bonus, reduced CAPEX 25%.

Case Study

European Engineering Company Saves $400,000 USD on CAPEX Using Performance Engineering

Discover how PETROLTERV saved significant CAPEX on a revamp project due to greater design accuracy enabled by the integrated aspenONE Engineering suite of products. Due to efficiencies gained from using this integrated software suite, PETROLTERV no longer needed to outsource a large number of engineering projects, such as air cooler design, pressure safety valve sizing and more. By increasing their ability to complete more projects in-house, PETROLTERV has reduced project costs, as well as delivered those projects on time and on budget.

Case Study

European Refinery Tackles Heat Exchange Issues and Saves Millions in the Process

Learn how a European refinery saved $4 MM per year by implementing an automated fouling monitoring application utilizing Aspen HYSYS, Aspen EDR and MS Excel.

Case Study

European Refinery Tackles Heat Exchange Issues and Saves Millions in the Process

Learn how a European refinery saved $4M per year by implementing an automated fouling monitoring application utilizing Aspen HYSYS, Aspen EDR and MS Excel.

Case Study

LG Chem Significantly Increases Plant Capacity and Reduces Energy Usage

LG Chem increases capacity by 15% and saves energy through heat integration using Aspen Plus®, Aspen Energy Analyzer, and Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating

FAQ Document

Monitoreo de los niveles de ensuciamiento en intercambiadores de calor con las soluciones de AspenTech

El ensuciamiento de los intercambiadores de calor provoca un consumo excesivo de energía, gran pérdida de presión y, a veces, interrupciones en el proceso. Este documento responde las preguntas más frecuentes sobre este tema.

Interactive Infographic

Complete the picture with Aspen HYSYS®

From oil and gas production to refining, gas treatment and liquefaction, Aspen HYSYS streamlines engineering and provides valuable insights to save organizations CAPEX, OPEX and engineering time. View this infographic and learn how companies have benefited from the newest innovations in Aspen HYSYS.

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