Aspen Plus: Simulación de proceso para la industria química
Aspen Plus fomenta el desempeño de procesos químicos usando el mejor software de simulación en su clase para las industrias de químicos a granel, productos químicos de especialidad y farmacéutica. Esta poderosa tecnología de modelado permite la optimización de la cantidad de material procesado, la calidad del producto y en uso de energía en operaciones por lote, continuas y combinadas.
Aspen Plus Brochure: Process Simulation for Chemicals
Aspen Plus advances the performance of chemical processes using the best-in-class simulation software for bulk chemicals, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. This powerful modeling technology enables optimization of throughput, product quality and energy use in processes with batch, continuous, and mixed batch and continuous operations.
Case Study
Multivariate Statistical Analysis Finds the Bad Actors in Light Component Losses
This petrochemical company launched an Aspen ProMV™ pilot project to investigate light component losses that go to the bottom of a fractionation column and pressurize the downstream column. Using Aspen ProMV for continuous processes, a model was developed, and bad actors that are highly correlated to the light product loss were identified. Aspen ProMV’s optimization tool was also utilized to provide better operating conditions to reduce losses.
Infographic: Five Ways Digitalization Builds Resilience in the Chemical Supply Chain
In this volatile environment, chemical producers are striving for business continuity and cost optimization. A gap between supply chain planning and operations execution can stand in the way of these goals. This infographic shares ways to take advantage of the latest supply chain management technology to break down barriers, increase agility, eliminate miscommunications and ensure security of supply.
Interactive Infographic
Defining the Digital Twin
What is a Digital Twin and what does it do? View this infographic to learn what a digital twin is and how it provides important insight on system performance enabling companies to optimize operations and reduce costs by maximizing uptime with real-time recommendations.
Performance Engineering
AspenTech's performance engineering solution reduces plant CAPEX and OPEX while improving time to market, energy efficiency and profit margins.
On-Demand Webinar
Aprenda las mejores prácticas para simular las operaciones de su refinería con un gemelo digital
Los procesos complejos presentan un desafío para las operaciones de refinación. Los riesgos operativos involucrados requieren un análisis preciso del comportamiento de la planta antes de realizar cualquier cambio en las operaciones. Los gemelos digitales con tecnología de simulación de procesos específica para refinación, como Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining®, permiten a los ingenieros simular con precisión las operaciones de la refinería para tomar mejores decisiones de una forma más rápida.
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