
Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating Family

Heat exchangers can comprise up to 30% of capital equipment and impact 90% of the energy used in a process plant. The conventional workflow for heat exchanger design requires manual data transfer. The process is time-consuming and prone to data transcription errors. The Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating product family integrates rigorous process models with the industry’s most comprehensive heat exchanger modeling capabilities. In this brochure you will learn how the these fully integrated tools for process design increases engineering efficiency, reduces exchanger costs and improves reliability.

Case Study

Control Column Performance Using Aspen HYSYS®

Learn how Tupras used the column analysis capability in Aspen HYSYS and its integration with Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating to significantly increase the column capacity and meet the required product specifications.

Case Study

Controle el desempeño de columnas con un Digital Twin de planta usando Aspen HYSYS®

Conozca cómo Tupras utilizó el análisis de columnas en Aspen HYSYS en conjunto con Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating para incrementar en un 40% la capacidad de columna y al mismo tiempo cumplir con las especificaciones de calidad del producto.

Case Study

Production Optimization of Natural Gas Pipelines & Field Production Facilities Using Performance Engineering

Learn how YPFB Andina was able to increase their gas production using an integrated model solution that was able to provide a $280M increase in revenue in 1 year.

Case Study

Optimización de la producción en transporte e instalaciones de producción de gas natural con una solución integral de ingeniería

Aprenda cómo YPFB Andina aumentó su producción de gas utilizando una solución de modelo integrado que proporcionó un aumento en las ganancias por $ 280 millones en 1 año.

Case Study

Petrofac Improves Process Design Accuracy by Debottlenecking Gas Processes Increasing Capacity by 20%

Download this case study to learn how Petrofac used Aspen HYSYS with Activated EDR models to optimize heat exchanger selection and configuration for a gas production client. This solution achieved the client's goal by increasing gas field production 20%, and as a bonus, reduced CAPEX 25%.

Case Study

European Engineering Company Saves $400,000 USD on CAPEX Using Performance Engineering

Discover how PETROLTERV saved significant CAPEX on a revamp project due to greater design accuracy enabled by the integrated aspenONE Engineering suite of products. Due to efficiencies gained from using this integrated software suite, PETROLTERV no longer needed to outsource a large number of engineering projects, such as air cooler design, pressure safety valve sizing and more. By increasing their ability to complete more projects in-house, PETROLTERV has reduced project costs, as well as delivered those projects on time and on budget.

Case Study

Process Ecology Saves up to $60K/Day by Reducing Emissions and Avoiding Shutdowns at Gas Dehydration Facilities

Learn how Process Ecology, a Calgary-based oil and gas consultancy that assists gas processing plants in the operation of their facilities, used Aspen HYSYS to model and provide operating strategies to minimize air emissions, optimize use of solvents and eliminate permit violations.

Case Study

Reliance Industries Ltd Troubleshoots with Aspen Plus and Saves $2.4M USD per Year

Reliance, an Indian conglomerate, built an Aspen Plus model in-house for a distillation column revamp with Aspen Plus which resulted in increased production by $2.4M/year. Learn how they saved money by building the simulations themselves and coming up with a cost-effective solution.

Executive Brief

스마트 엔터프라이즈를 위한 차세대 운영 기술

전세계적으로 시장 상황의 변동성과 불확실성, 복잡성과 모호함이 가중되고 있는 VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) 환경에서 기업들은 경쟁 우위를 확보하기 위해 Industry 4.0과 AI 등 새로운 기술들을 도입하고 있습니다. 이 백서에서 선도적인 기업들이 어떻게 디지털 엔터프라이즈를 뛰어 넘어, 진정한 의미의 미래형 스마트 엔터프라이즈로 거듭나고, 지속 가능한 운영 효율성을 달성할 수 있는지 확인해 보십시오.

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