
Aspen Remote Services

Since the pandemic’s onset, companies have had to learn how to navigate huge shifts in demand, supply, workforce and economics. The transition to a more remote workforce and an increase in digital technologies is happening quickly. Aspen Remote Services is a service methodology by which the service work is conducted remotely and securely through virtual and digital technology. This methodology offers agility and cost advantages compared to on-premise services. It also provides these key benefits:

Case Study

Maturus Optimi Gets Out of the Gate Fast

Learn how Maturus Optimi leveraged the aspenONE Engineering Desktop to manage business risk in a small company through affordable, scalable access to software. Maturus Optimi helped clients achieve better capital estimates during the feasibility study and early conceptual designs solved difficult process problems with access to a complete suite of best-in-class modeling tools.


Aspen Enterprise Insights

Aspen Enterprise Insights是基于混合云的独特软件产品,具有灵活的企业可视化和工作流程管理解决方案,可为整个企业提供实时决策支持。下载此手册,了解Aspen Enterprise Insights如何帮助领先企业每年增加1000万美元利润,并在项目报告中实现成本和人力节省75%。


Aspen Enterprise Insights

Aspen Enterprise Insights is a unique hybrid-cloud-based software product with a flexible enterprise visualization and workflow management solution that delivers real-time decision support across your enterprise. Download this brochure to learn how Aspen Enterprise Insights is helping leading companies increase margins by $10M per year and realize 75% cost and effort savings in project reporting.


Aspen Enterprise Insights

Aspen Enterprise Insights es un producto único de software híbrido basado en la nube que cuenta con una visualización empresarial flexible y una solución de gestión de flujos de trabajo, el cual ofrece soporte a decisiones en tiempo real a lo largo de su compañía. Descargue este brochure para conocer cómo Aspen Enterprise Insights está ayudando a las compañías a incrementar sus márgenes en $10 millones de USD por año y a ahorrar costos y esfuerzos en informes de proyectos por un 75%.

Case Study

Liquid Light Achieves Process Simplification and Reduces Costs

In order to meet their design need of maintaining a 25% cost advantage over conventional chemical processes, the engineers at Liquid Light needed a flexible software solution to find key property data (even for non-ideal and electrolyte systems), conduct “what-if” and case analyses, model reaction systems, select solvents, and scale-up quickly and reliably. Leveraging Aspen Plus and Aspen Properties, the members of Liquid Light have been able to make meaningful predictions about system behavior, moving them closer to full scale production.

Case Study

Linde Engineering Efficiency Across Project Lifecycle

Linde Engineering reduced estimating variability from 60% to 15% by adopting ACCE. They reduced their total number of estimating tools from 25 to 6.  They have integrated ACCE with 3D modeling to track project costs through detailed design and construction effectively.

Case Study

Data-Driven Maintenance Planning Saves $1.8 Million USD Per Year in Shutdown Costs

A global provider of knowledge-based maintenance, modifications and asset integrity services wanted to take a more data-driven approach to planned maintenance and reduce unplanned downtime to optimize lifecycle costs.


Aspen Plus: Simulación de proceso para la industria química

Aspen Plus fomenta el desempeño de procesos químicos usando el mejor software de simulación en su clase para las industrias de químicos a granel, productos químicos de especialidad y farmacéutica. Esta poderosa tecnología de modelado permite la optimización de la cantidad de material procesado, la calidad del producto y en uso de energía en operaciones por lote, continuas y combinadas.


Aspen Plus Brochure: Process Simulation for Chemicals

Aspen Plus advances the performance of chemical processes using the best-in-class simulation software for bulk chemicals, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. This powerful modeling technology enables optimization of throughput, product quality and energy use in processes with batch, continuous, and mixed batch and continuous operations.

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